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manbetxapp下载 學報2020年第36卷第2期文獻題錄


● 生態與環保

[1] 王尹萍,薑仁貴,解建倉,趙勇,呂喜璽. 基於SWAT模型的涇河流域月徑流分布式模擬[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 135-144, 158.

   WANG Yinping, JIANG Rengui, XIE Jiancang, ZHAO Yong, LÜ Xixi. Research on the monthly runoff distributed simulation and its application in Jinghe River Basin based on SWAT model[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 135-144, 158.

[2] 李濤,張建豐,牛鵬飛. 深層坑滲灌灌水器開孔率對土壤水分入滲特性的影響研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 145-150.

   LI Tao, ZHANG Jianfeng, NIU Pengfei. Study on the effect of opening pore rate of irrigator on the infiltration characteristics of soil water content under condition of deep pit irrigation[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 145-150.

[3] 曹睿娟,薑仁貴,解建倉,趙勇. 基於大數據的城市內澇網絡輿情監測及演化機理[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 151-158.

   CAO Ruijuan, JIANG Rengui, XIE Jiancang, ZHAO Yong. Monitoring the internet public opinion and evolution mechanism for urban waterlogging using big data[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 151-158.

[4] 仉振宇,朱記偉,解建倉,張永進,馬增輝. 25年來大西安地區土地利用時空格局變化和熱區診斷分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 159-169.

   ZHANG Zhenyu, ZHU Jiwei, XIE Jiancang, ZHANG Yongjin, MA Zenghui. Spatial-temporal changes of land use and hot zone diagnosis analysis in the past 25 years of the Great Xi’an area[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 159-169.

[5] 王仙玲,朱軼韻. 秦巴山地建築外窗遮陽與自然通風耦合作用對夏季室內熱環境影響分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 170-175.

   WANG Xianling, ZHU Yiyun. Coupling effect of exterior window shading and natural ventilation on indoor thermal environment of Qinba mountain buildings in summer[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 170-175.

[6] 劉東,黃強,楊元園,劉登峰,張連鵬,魏曉婷. 基於改進NSGA-II算法的水庫雙目標優化調度[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 176-181, 213.

   LIU Dong, HUANG Qiang, YANG Yuanyuan, LIU Dengfeng, ZHANG Lianpeng, WEI Xiaoting. Reservoir bi-objective operation optimization based on improved NSGA-II[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 176-181, 213.

[7] 王懷軍,張維維,李軍懷,侯精明,曹霆,章新川. 海綿城市管網設施布署評估方法研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 182-187.

   WANG Huaijun, ZHANG Weiwei, LI Junhuai, HOU Jingming, CAO Ting, ZHANG Xinchuan. Research on evaluation method for pipeline network installation in sponge city[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 182-187.

[8] 劉鐵龍,劉豔,汪雅梅,羅軍剛,解建倉. 考慮徑流年內均勻度的生態流量計算方法研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 188-196.

   LIU Tielong, LIU Yan, WANG Yamei, LUO Jungang, XIE Jiancang. Evaluation of ecological flow considering runoff annual homogeneity[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 188-196.

[9] 鄒彬. 西安市植被覆蓋度冷熱點時空動態變化及其風險分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 197-204.

   ZOU Bin. Temporal and spatial dynamic changes and risk analysis of cold spot and hot spot in vegetation coverage in Xi’an[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 197-204.

● 材料科學與工程

[10] 孫倩倩,田昕,邢俊紅,任鵬剛,安寧麗,夏衛民. PVDF基含氟聚合物壓電傳感器聲發射性能[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 205-213.

   SUN Qianqian, TIAN Xin, XING Junhong, REN Penggang, AN Ningli, XIA Weimin. Acoustic emission performance of the PVDF-based fluoropolymer piezoelectric sensors[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 205-213.


[11] 宋丹龍,白洋洋,劉凱,張向陽,盧曉民,崔亞輝. 曳引電梯轎架立柱結構力學行為建模與分析[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 214-220.

   SONG Danlong, BAI Yangyang, LIU Kai, ZHANG Xiangyang, LU Xiaomin, CUI Yahui. Modeling and analysis of mechanical behavior of traction elevator frame column structures[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 214-220.


[12] 劉慶,李星,王洋,李迎. 求解最優Steiner樹的前驅編碼粒子群算法[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 221-229.

   LIU Qing, LI Xing, WANG Yang, LI Ying. A predecessor-encoding-based particle swarm optimizer for least-cost Steiner tree problem[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 221-229.


[13] 趙道利,陳濤,孫維鵬,梁武科,馬薇. 混流式水輪機葉片出水邊三角塊尺寸對轉輪應力影響研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 230-236, 244.

   ZHAO Daoli, CHEN Tao, SUN Weipeng, LIANG Wuke, MA Wei. Research on Francis runner stress with the variation of triangular block size on the outlet of blade[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 230-236, 244.


[14] 李祥發,薛偉賢. 金融摩擦、貨幣政策與宏觀經濟波動[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 237-244.

   LI Xiangfa, XUE Weixian. Financial frictions, monetary policy and macroeconomic fluctuation[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 237-244.


[15] 李濤,鄭力蜚,高源,劉光磊. 深基坑倒掛井壁法開挖對地層變形影響研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 245-250.

   LI Tao, ZHENG Lifei, GAO Yuan, LIU Guanglei. Study on the influence of deep foundation pit excavation by the method of inverted shaft wall on ground deformation[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 245-250.

[16] 範定堅,任曼妮. 不同柱端約束下外方內圓雙重鋼管混凝土組合柱抗側向衝擊動力性能研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 251-256.

   FAN Dingjian, REN Manni. Study on dynamic behavior of hollow concrete filled steel tubular columns with different end constraints under lateral impact[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 251-256.


[17] 劉家軍,孫強,楊曉倩,段建東. 小水電位置及機組檢修對網損分攤的影響[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 257-262, 268.

   LIU Jiajun, SUN Qiang, YANG Xiaoqian, DUAN Jiandong. Influence of small hydropower location and unit maintenance on power loss allocation[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 257-262, 268.

[18] 李鵬,郭鵬程,李颯,王琨. 基於主成分分析法的電子式電能表計量性能影響研究[J]. manbetxapp下载 學報, 2020, 36(2): 263-268.

   LI Peng, GUO Pengcheng, LI Sa, WANG Kun. Study on the influence of static electricity energy meter based on principal component analysis[J]. Journal of Xi’an University of Technology, 2020, 36(2): 263-268.

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